Hotels Archives - CasahelblinG Germany's Best Hotels Tue, 25 Jul 2023 09:48:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Hotels Archives - CasahelblinG 32 32 Schiebetüren vs. traditionelle Drehtüren: Was ist das Richtige für Sie? Tue, 25 Jul 2023 09:48:00 +0000 Bei der Auswahl von Türen für Ihr Hotel oder Ihr Büro ist eine der wichtigsten Entscheidungen, die Sie treffen müssen, ob Sie sich für Schiebetüren oder traditionelle Drehtüren entscheiden. Beide Optionen haben einzigartige Merkmale und Vorteile, aber die Entscheidung, welche für Sie die richtige ist, erfordert eine sorgfältige Abwägung verschiedener Faktoren. Dieser Artikel befasst sich […]

The post Schiebetüren vs. traditionelle Drehtüren: Was ist das Richtige für Sie? appeared first on CasahelblinG.

Bei der Auswahl von Türen für Ihr Hotel oder Ihr Büro ist eine der wichtigsten Entscheidungen, die Sie treffen müssen, ob Sie sich für Schiebetüren oder traditionelle Drehtüren entscheiden.

Beide Optionen haben einzigartige Merkmale und Vorteile, aber die Entscheidung, welche für Sie die richtige ist, erfordert eine sorgfältige Abwägung verschiedener Faktoren.

Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit den Eigenschaften, Vorteilen und Nachteilen von Schiebetüren und traditionellen Drehtüren und zeigt auf, warum Schiebetüren die bessere Wahl sind.

1. Raumeffizienz

Einer der wichtigsten Vorteile von Schiebetüren ist ihre platzsparende Bauweise. Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Drehtüren, die einen großen Freiraum zum Aufschwingen benötigen, gleiten Schiebetüren horizontal auf einer Schiene.

Diese Konstruktion macht einen großen Raumbogen überflüssig und ermöglicht es Ihnen, die verfügbare Bodenfläche zu maximieren. Schiebetüren sind besonders vorteilhaft in engen Räumen oder Räumen mit begrenzter Grundfläche, da sie einen nahtlosen Übergang schaffen und das Gefühl von Offenheit verstärken.

2. Natürliches Licht und Ausblicke

Ein weiterer Aspekt, der zu berücksichtigen ist, sind die Auswirkungen auf das natürliche Licht und die Aussicht. Schiebetüren sind oft mit großen Glasscheiben ausgestattet, die viel natürliches Licht in den Raum lassen und eine helle und einladende Atmosphäre schaffen.

Die ungehinderten Glasflächen bieten außerdem einen ungehinderten Blick nach draußen und verbinden Ihren Innenraum mit der Umgebung. Im Gegensatz dazu haben herkömmliche Flügeltüren in der Regel kleinere Fenster oder massive Paneele, die das Sonnenlicht einschränken und die Aussicht behindern.

3. Zugänglichkeit und Benutzerfreundlichkeit

Die Zugänglichkeit ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, insbesondere für Personen mit Mobilitätseinschränkungen oder solche, die einen Zugang mit dem Rollstuhl benötigen. Schiebetüren bieten aufgrund ihres leichtgängigen Gleitmechanismus eine hervorragende Zugänglichkeit.

Sie haben eine niedrige Schwelle, sind also rollstuhlgerecht und ermöglichen einen einfachen Durchgang, ohne dass man eine erhöhte Stufe überwinden muss.

Herkömmliche Drehtüren hingegen erfordern mehr Kraftaufwand beim Öffnen und Schließen, insbesondere für Personen mit eingeschränkter Kraft oder Mobilität.

4. Vielseitigkeit und Designoptionen

Schiebetüren gibt es in einer Vielzahl von Ausführungen, so dass Sie die perfekte Lösung für Ihre ästhetischen Vorlieben und Ihren Einrichtungsstil finden können. Sie können aus verschiedenen Materialien wie Holz, Aluminium oder Glas hergestellt werden, wobei unterschiedliche Oberflächen und Muster erhältlich sind.

Darüber hinaus können Schiebetüren so konstruiert werden, dass sie in eine Wandtasche gleiten und beim Öffnen vollständig aus dem Blickfeld verschwinden, oder sie können als Raumteiler verwendet werden. Herkömmliche Drehtüren sind zwar in verschiedenen Stilen erhältlich, bieten aber in Bezug auf Funktionalität und Raumoptimierung weniger Vielseitigkeit.

5. Privatsphäre und Schalldämmung

Schiebetüren sind zwar hervorragend geeignet, um eine nahtlose Verbindung zwischen Räumen zu schaffen, aber manche Menschen haben Bedenken hinsichtlich der Privatsphäre und der Schalldämmung. Die Fortschritte in der Türtechnologie haben diese Probleme jedoch gelöst.

Schiebetüren können jetzt mit Sichtschutzfolien, Jalousien oder Vorhängen ausgestattet werden, um die Privatsphäre bei Bedarf zu verbessern. Außerdem verfügen moderne Schiebetüren über Dichtungsmechanismen, die die Schalldämmung verbessern und dafür sorgen, dass Ihr Innenraum ruhig und ungestört bleibt.

6. Wartung und Langlebigkeit

Die Wartung ist ein wichtiger Aspekt bei jeder Türinstallation. Schiebetüren erfordern im Allgemeinen weniger Wartung als herkömmliche Drehtüren.

Der Schiebemechanismus funktioniert in der Regel reibungslos und erfordert nur minimale Wartung, wie z. B. regelmäßiges Reinigen und Schmieren.

Bei herkömmlichen Drehtüren hingegen müssen Scharniere und Beschläge regelmäßig überprüft und eingestellt werden, um eine einwandfreie Funktion zu gewährleisten.

Die Wahl der idealen Türlösung für Ihre Bedürfnisse

Bei der Auswahl der richtigen Türlösung für Ihren Raum müssen mehrere wichtige Faktoren berücksichtigt werden.

Jeder Aspekt ist entscheidend für die Wahl der idealen Türlösung, von der Funktionalität und Ästhetik bis hin zur Zweckmäßigkeit und langfristigen Wartung.

Beurteilen Sie Ihre Raumanforderungen

Bevor Sie sich für einen Tortyp entscheiden, sollten Sie die spezifischen Anforderungen Ihres Raums ermitteln. Berücksichtigen Sie die verfügbare Bodenfläche, die Raumaufteilung und den Zweck des Raums. Schiebetüren können eine hervorragende platzsparende Lösung für kleinere Räume oder Bereiche mit begrenztem Spielraum sein. Herkömmliche Drehtüren eignen sich dagegen eher für größere Räume mit viel Bewegungsfreiheit.

Natürliches Licht und Ausblicke berücksichtigen

Die Menge an natürlichem Licht, die Sie wünschen, und die Aussicht, die Sie genießen möchten, sind von großer Bedeutung. Schiebetüren mit ihren großen Glasflächen bieten hervorragende Möglichkeiten, das natürliche Licht zu maximieren und eine nahtlose Verbindung zwischen Innen- und Außenbereich zu schaffen.

Wenn malerische Ausblicke und die Durchflutung des Innenraums mit Sonnenlicht im Vordergrund stehen, sind Schiebetüren die beste Wahl.

Anforderungen an die Barrierefreiheit prüfen

Barrierefreiheit ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, insbesondere wenn Sie Familienmitglieder oder Besucher mit Mobilitätseinschränkungen haben. Schiebetüren mit ihrem leichtgängigen Gleitmechanismus und ihren niedrigen Schwellen erleichtern den Zugang für Personen, die einen Rollstuhl oder andere Mobilitätshilfen benutzen.

Herkömmliche Flügeltüren sind zwar für die meisten Menschen zugänglich, lassen sich aber nur mit größerem Kraftaufwand öffnen und schließen, so dass sie für Personen mit eingeschränkter Kraft oder Mobilität weniger geeignet sind.

Erkunden Sie Design- und Stiloptionen

Das Design und der Stil der Tür spielen eine wichtige Rolle für die Gesamtästhetik Ihres Raums. Schiebe- und traditionelle Drehtüren gibt es in verschiedenen Designs, Materialien und Ausführungen.

Schiebetüren bieten ein modernes, elegantes Aussehen und sind eine ausgezeichnete Wahl für moderne oder minimalistische Innenräume. Traditionelle Flügeltüren wirken klassisch und zeitlos und bieten verschiedene Designoptionen zur Ergänzung architektonischer Stile.

Gleichgewicht zwischen Privatsphäre und Schalldämmung

Berücksichtigen Sie Ihren Bedarf an Privatsphäre und die für Ihren Raum erforderliche Schalldämmung. Schiebetüren mit ihren großen Glasflächen können Bedenken hinsichtlich der Privatsphäre wecken. Der technische Fortschritt hat jedoch dazu geführt, dass es heute Sichtschutzfolien, Jalousien oder Vorhänge gibt, die bei Bedarf an den Schiebetüren angebracht werden können.

Außerdem verfügen moderne Schiebetüren über Dichtungsmechanismen, die die Schalldämmung verbessern und so für eine friedliche und ruhige Umgebung im Haus sorgen.

Wartung und Langlebigkeit bewerten

Bei der Auswahl einer Türlösung sind der Wartungsbedarf und die Langlebigkeit ein wichtiges Kriterium. Schiebetüren sind im Allgemeinen wartungsärmer als herkömmliche Drehtüren.

Der Schiebemechanismus funktioniert in der Regel reibungslos und erfordert nur minimale Wartungsarbeiten wie regelmäßige Reinigung und Schmierung. Um eine einwandfreie Funktion zu gewährleisten, müssen die Scharniere und Beschläge bei herkömmlichen Drehtüren möglicherweise regelmäßig überprüft und eingestellt werden.

Holen Sie professionellen Rat ein

Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind, welche Türlösung für Ihre Bedürfnisse am besten geeignet ist, zögern Sie nicht, professionellen Rat einzuholen. Architekten, Innenarchitekten oder Türenspezialisten können Ihnen aufgrund ihres Fachwissens und ihrer Erfahrung wertvolle Hinweise und Empfehlungen geben.

Sie können Ihnen dabei helfen, Ihre Anforderungen und Möglichkeiten zu bewerten und Ihnen bei der Wahl der idealen Türlösung, die Ihren Bedürfnissen und Vorlieben entspricht, behilflich sein.

Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass Schiebetüren viele Vorteile gegenüber herkömmlichen Drehtüren bieten, weshalb sie von vielen Hausbesitzern und Unternehmen bevorzugt werden.

Ihr platzsparendes Design, die Möglichkeit, natürliches Licht und Ausblicke zu maximieren, die Barrierefreiheit, die Vielseitigkeit der Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten und der geringe Wartungsaufwand machen sie zu einer ausgezeichneten Investition.

Ganz gleich, ob Sie Ihr Haus oder Hotel renovieren, einen neuen Büroraum einrichten oder Ihre vorhandenen Türen aufrüsten – Schiebetüren sind eine überzeugende Option, die Ihre Umgebung verändern und Ihr Lebens- oder Arbeitserlebnis verbessern kann. Wenn Sie hochwertige Schiebetüren in Norwegen benötigen, kann Dominius Ihnen helfen!

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Top Casinos in Germany: A Guide to the Best Brick-and-Mortar Gambling Destinations Mon, 17 Apr 2023 06:55:54 +0000 Germany is known for its rich history, culture, and vibrant nightlife, and its gambling scene is no exception. With a variety of cities that offer top-class casinos, Germany is a destination for those seeking thrilling gaming experiences and sophisticated entertainment. Whether you are a seasoned gambler or simply looking for a night of excitement, the […]

The post Top Casinos in Germany: A Guide to the Best Brick-and-Mortar Gambling Destinations appeared first on CasahelblinG.

Germany is known for its rich history, culture, and vibrant nightlife, and its gambling scene is no exception. With a variety of cities that offer top-class casinos, Germany is a destination for those seeking thrilling gaming experiences and sophisticated entertainment. Whether you are a seasoned gambler or simply looking for a night of excitement, the casinos in Germany have something to offer for everyone.

From the bustling metropolis of Berlin to the elegant spa town of Baden-Baden, and the vibrant port city of Hamburg to the picturesque shores of Lake Constance in Konstanz, each casino in Germany has its unique charm and offerings. With a mix of classic elegance, modern sophistication, and opulent surroundings, these casinos provide an unforgettable experience for visitors.

In this comprehensive guide, we will take a closer look at some of the best casinos in Germany, located in different cities across the country. From the gaming options and amenities to the atmosphere and entertainment programs, we will highlight what makes each casino stand out. So, let’s dive into the world of high-stakes gaming and upscale entertainment as we explore the best casinos in Germany!

Online casinos in Germany

Online casinos have become increasingly popular in Germany, providing players with convenient access to a wide range of casino games from the comfort of their own homes. Here are a few online casinos, including 1win casino, that have gained popularity among players in Germany:

1win Casino:

1win Casino is a relatively new online casino that has quickly gained popularity among players in Germany. It offers a vast selection of casino games, including slots, table games, live dealer games, and more. The casino is known for its user-friendly interface, attractive design, and seamless navigation, making it easy for players to find their favorite games and enjoy a smooth gaming experience. Additionally, 1win Casino offers a generous welcome bonus, regular promotions, and a loyalty program for players to take advantage of. Plinko is a popular online casino game in Germany. Plinko 1win – we recommend every gambler to play!


LeoVegas is a well-established online casino that has been popular among German players for its extensive game selection and mobile-friendly platform. The casino offers a wide range of games, including slots, table games, live dealer games, and sports betting options. LeoVegas is known for its sleek design, intuitive user interface, and fast payouts. The casino also offers a generous welcome bonus, regular promotions, and a loyalty program for players to enjoy.


Wunderino is a popular online casino among German players, known for its modern design, unique theme, and engaging gameplay. The casino offers a diverse selection of games, including slots, table games, and live dealer games, from leading software providers. Wunderino also offers a generous welcome bonus, regular promotions, and a loyalty program for players to take advantage of.


Casumo is a popular online casino that has gained a strong following among players in Germany for its unique gamified approach to online gaming. The casino offers a wide range of games, including slots, table games, and live dealer games, and features an adventure-style loyalty program where players can earn rewards as they progress through various levels. Casumo is known for its innovative design, engaging gameplay, and regular promotions for players to enjoy.

Blaze Casino

Blaze Casino is a well-known online casino that has been popular among German players for its extensive game selection, including slots, table games, live dealer games, and sports betting options. The casino is known for its stylish design, user-friendly interface, and commitment to responsible gaming. Blaze casino offers a generous welcome bonus, regular promotions, and a loyalty program for players to benefit from.

Please note that online gambling laws and regulations can vary by country and region, and it’s important to always ensure that you are playing at a reputable and licensed online casino that complies with the laws of your jurisdiction.

Spielbank Berlin am Potsdamer Platz – Berlin

Located in the heart of the German capital, Spielbank Berlin am Potsdamer Platz is one of the most renowned casinos in the country. With its prime location and reputation for excellence, this casino offers a sophisticated gaming experience for both locals and tourists alike.

The casino is spread across four floors, covering an impressive 11,000 square meters of gaming space. It features a wide range of gaming options, including classic table games such as blackjack, roulette, and poker, as well as a large selection of modern slot machines. There are also dedicated poker rooms that host regular poker tournaments, attracting poker enthusiasts from around the world.

The ambiance of Spielbank Berlin am Potsdamer Platz is refined and elegant, with a stylish interior featuring contemporary design and upscale amenities. The casino also offers a variety of dining options, including a gourmet restaurant and several bars, where guests can enjoy delicious meals and drinks in between gaming sessions.

One of the unique features of this casino is its event and entertainment programs, which include live music performances, DJ nights, and special themed parties. This adds an extra layer of excitement and enjoyment to the gaming experience, making it more than just a place to play casino games but also a destination for a night of upscale entertainment.

Spielbank Berlin am Potsdamer Platz is known for its professional and friendly staff, providing excellent customer service to ensure that guests have a memorable experience. The casino also has a strict dress code, adding to its sophisticated ambiance.

Casino Baden-Baden – Baden-Baden

Nestled in the picturesque spa town of Baden-Baden in southwestern Germany, Casino Baden-Baden is a legendary casino that has been attracting high-profile guests and international gamblers for centuries. With its historic setting, opulent interiors, and luxurious offerings, it is often regarded as one of the most prestigious and elegant casinos in the world.

The casino is housed in a magnificent building that dates back to the 19th century, boasting breathtaking architecture and lavish interiors. The gaming floor is adorned with crystal chandeliers, intricate frescoes, and ornate decorations, creating an atmosphere of timeless elegance and sophistication.

Casino Baden-Baden offers a wide range of gaming options, including classic table games such as roulette, blackjack, poker, and baccarat, as well as an extensive selection of modern slot machines. The casino also hosts regular poker tournaments, attracting skilled players from around the globe to test their skills in this prestigious setting.

Apart from its gaming offerings, Casino Baden-Baden also boasts exquisite dining options. The casino is home to multiple restaurants, including the renowned “The Grill” restaurant, offering gourmet cuisine prepared by award-winning chefs. There are also elegant bars where guests can enjoy a wide range of cocktails, fine wines, and other beverages.

The dress code at Casino Baden-Baden is formal, adding to the sense of exclusivity and sophistication. Men are required to wear a jacket and tie, and women are expected to dress elegantly. This dress code enhances the overall ambiance of the casino and adds to the charm and glamour of the gaming experience.

In addition to its gaming and dining offerings, Casino Baden-Baden also hosts cultural events, concerts, and art exhibitions, making it a true entertainment destination. The casino also offers guided tours for visitors who are interested in its rich history and cultural significance.

Spielbank Hamburg – Hamburg

Situated in the bustling city of Hamburg in northern Germany, Spielbank Hamburg is a popular casino that offers a diverse gaming experience for both locals and visitors. With its modern facilities, extensive gaming options, and vibrant atmosphere, it is considered one of the top casinos in the country.

Spielbank Hamburg features a large gaming floor that spans across multiple levels, offering a wide range of gaming options. Classic table games such as roulette, blackjack, and poker are available, as well as a variety of modern slot machines. The casino also hosts regular poker tournaments and special events, catering to both casual players and serious gamblers alike.

The ambiance of Spielbank Hamburg is contemporary and lively, with a vibrant atmosphere that reflects the energy of the city. The casino features modern interiors with sleek designs, creating a welcoming and dynamic environment for gaming enthusiasts. It also offers several bars and lounges where guests can enjoy drinks and socialize, adding to the overall entertainment experience.

Spielbank Hamburg is known for its diverse dining options, with several restaurants offering a variety of cuisines ranging from local German specialties to international dishes. From casual dining to gourmet experiences, there are options to suit different tastes and preferences.

The casino also offers special packages and promotions for visitors, including group packages, VIP services, and loyalty programs. The friendly and professional staff at Spielbank Hamburg provide excellent customer service, ensuring that guests have a memorable and enjoyable gaming experience.

One unique feature of Spielbank Hamburg is its waterfront location, offering beautiful views of the Elbe River and the Hamburg harbor. This adds to the overall ambiance and charm of the casino, providing a scenic backdrop for a night of gaming and entertainment.

Casino Esplanade – Hamburg

Located in the heart of Hamburg, Casino Esplanade is a sophisticated and elegant casino that offers a luxurious gaming experience in a historic setting. Housed in a grand building dating back to the 19th century, the casino is known for its opulent interiors, refined ambiance, and high-end offerings, making it one of the best casinos in Germany.

The casino features a spacious gaming floor with a wide range of gaming options. Classic table games such as roulette, blackjack, poker, and baccarat are available, as well as a variety of modern slot machines. The casino also hosts regular poker tournaments, attracting skilled players from around the region to compete in its prestigious poker room.

One of the highlights of Casino Esplanade is its historic architecture and lavish interiors. The casino is adorned with ornate decorations, elegant chandeliers, and exquisite furnishings, creating a sophisticated and luxurious ambiance. The opulent setting adds to the overall charm and allure of the casino, making it a favorite among those who appreciate grandeur and elegance.

In addition to its gaming offerings, Casino Esplanade also boasts fine dining options. The casino is home to the elegant “Tarantella” restaurant, offering gourmet cuisine prepared by renowned chefs. There are also stylish bars where guests can enjoy a wide range of cocktails, premium spirits, and other beverages.

The dress code at Casino Esplanade is formal, with a focus on elegant attire. Men are required to wear a jacket and tie, and women are expected to dress in chic and sophisticated clothing. This dress code enhances the refined atmosphere of the casino and adds to the exclusivity and elegance of the gaming experience.

Casino Esplanade also hosts special events, parties, and cultural performances, adding to the overall entertainment offerings of the casino. The casino has a reputation for its excellent customer service, with friendly and professional staff ensuring that guests have a memorable and enjoyable experience.

Casino Duisburg – Duisburg

Located in the industrial city of Duisburg in western Germany, Casino Duisburg is a modern and vibrant casino that offers a diverse gaming experience in a contemporary setting. As one of the largest casinos in Germany, Casino Duisburg is known for its extensive gaming options, lively atmosphere, and excellent customer service.

The casino features a spacious gaming floor that spans across multiple levels, offering a wide range of gaming options for all types of players. Classic table games such as roulette, blackjack, poker, and baccarat are available, as well as a large variety of slot machines. The casino also hosts regular poker tournaments and special events, catering to both casual players and serious gamblers alike.

The ambiance of Casino Duisburg is modern and lively, with a vibrant atmosphere that reflects the energy of the city. The casino features contemporary interiors with sleek designs, creating a welcoming and dynamic environment for gaming enthusiasts. It also offers several bars and lounges where guests can enjoy drinks, snacks, and socialize, adding to the overall entertainment experience.

Casino Duisburg also offers a wide range of dining options, from casual eateries to upscale restaurants. Guests can enjoy a variety of cuisines, including German, Mediterranean, and Asian, providing something for every palate. The casino also hosts regular culinary events, such as wine tastings and food festivals, adding to the overall dining experience.

The casino offers various promotions and special packages for visitors, including group packages, VIP services, and loyalty programs. The staff at Casino Duisburg are known for their friendly and professional service, ensuring that guests have a pleasant and enjoyable gaming experience.

One unique feature of Casino Duisburg is its location in the Duisburg Inner Harbor, offering scenic views of the Rhine River and the surrounding waterfront area. The casino also hosts outdoor events and parties during the warmer months, providing a unique and exciting experience for guests.

Spielbank Wiesbaden – Wiesbaden

Nestled in the historic city of Wiesbaden, Spielbank Wiesbaden is one of the oldest and most prestigious casinos in Germany. With a rich history dating back to the 19th century, this grand casino is known for its elegant ambiance, opulent interiors, and sophisticated gaming offerings, making it a favorite among discerning casino-goers.

Spielbank Wiesbaden features a stately gaming floor with a wide range of classic table games, including roulette, blackjack, poker, and baccarat. The casino also offers a variety of modern slot machines, catering to both traditional and contemporary gaming preferences. The high-quality gaming experience is complemented by the attentive and professional service provided by the well-trained staff.

One of the highlights of Spielbank Wiesbaden is its historic building, which is a masterpiece of neo-classical architecture. The casino is housed in a magnificent palace-like building with ornate decorations, grand staircases, and exquisite furnishings, evoking a sense of old-world charm and elegance. The lavish interiors create a refined ambiance that adds to the exclusivity and allure of the casino.

Apart from gaming, Spielbank Wiesbaden also offers a fine dining experience with its gourmet restaurant, “Jokers”. The restaurant serves a variety of culinary delights prepared by renowned chefs, offering a fusion of international and regional cuisines. There are also stylish bars where guests can enjoy a wide selection of cocktails, premium spirits, and other beverages.

The dress code at Spielbank Wiesbaden is formal, with a focus on elegant attire. Men are required to wear a jacket and tie, and women are expected to dress in sophisticated clothing. This dress code enhances the upscale atmosphere of the casino and adds to the overall charm and exclusivity of the gaming experience.

In addition to its gaming and dining offerings, Spielbank Wiesbaden hosts special events, cultural performances, and live music, providing additional entertainment options for its guests. The casino also offers private rooms for exclusive events and parties, making it a popular venue for celebrations and gatherings.

Casino Konstanz – Konstanz

Located on the picturesque shores of Lake Constance in the charming city of Konstanz, Casino Konstanz is a popular destination for both locals and tourists seeking a thrilling gaming experience in a scenic setting. The casino offers a wide range of gaming options, a unique atmosphere, and stunning lake views, making it a standout choice among casinos in Germany.

The gaming floor at Casino Konstanz features a diverse array of classic table games, including roulette, blackjack, poker, and baccarat. The casino also offers a variety of slot machines, providing ample options for both traditional and modern gaming preferences. The friendly and knowledgeable staff are always on hand to assist players and create a welcoming environment for all guests.

One of the highlights of Casino Konstanz is its breathtaking location on the shores of Lake Constance. The casino boasts panoramic views of the lake and the surrounding Swiss Alps, providing a picturesque backdrop for an unforgettable gaming experience. The casino also features an outdoor terrace where guests can enjoy drinks, snacks, and the stunning views, adding to the overall ambiance and charm of the casino.

The ambiance of Casino Konstanz is unique and inviting, with a mix of modern and traditional design elements. The casino features contemporary interiors with warm colors, comfortable seating, and stylish lighting, creating a cozy and welcoming atmosphere for gaming enthusiasts. The casino also hosts regular events and promotions, including live music, themed parties, and special tournaments, adding to the excitement and entertainment.

Casino Konstanz also offers a variety of dining options for guests to enjoy. The in-house restaurant serves a range of international and regional cuisine, featuring fresh and locally sourced ingredients. There is also a bar where guests can relax and unwind with a wide selection of beverages, including cocktails, wines, and spirits.

The casino has a relaxed dress code, with smart casual attire being the norm. This adds to the laid-back and friendly atmosphere of the casino, making it accessible and enjoyable for all types of players.

The post Top Casinos in Germany: A Guide to the Best Brick-and-Mortar Gambling Destinations appeared first on CasahelblinG.

The Cologne Cathedral: A Testament to Human Skill and Dedication Fri, 07 Apr 2023 06:03:38 +0000 Cologne Cathedral, also known as the Kölner Dom, is one of the most magnificent examples of Gothic architecture in the world. Located in Cologne, Germany, it stands as a testament to the skill and dedication of the builders who worked on it over the centuries. The Cathedral has a rich and storied history, and its […]

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Cologne Cathedral, also known as the Kölner Dom, is one of the most magnificent examples of Gothic architecture in the world. Located in Cologne, Germany, it stands as a testament to the skill and dedication of the builders who worked on it over the centuries. The Cathedral has a rich and storied history, and its significance extends far beyond just its religious significance.

The Cathedral was first commissioned by Archbishop Rainald von Dassel in 1248, and it took over 600 years to complete. Despite being damaged during World War II, it has been meticulously restored and stands today as a beacon of the city of Cologne.

The Cologne Cathedral is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and attracts millions of visitors each year, making it one of the most visited tourist attractions in Germany. It has also played an important role in the country’s history and is a symbol of German national identity.

In this article, we will delve deeper into the history, architecture, and cultural significance of the Cologne Cathedral. We will explore the exterior and interior features of this awe-inspiring structure and discuss its importance not only to the city of Cologne but also to Germany and Europe as a whole.


The exterior of the Cologne Cathedral is an awe-inspiring sight to behold. The façade of the Cathedral features intricate carvings and details that have been carefully crafted over the centuries. The central portal, known as the Portal of the Three Kings, is particularly impressive. It features a depiction of the Magi presenting gifts to the baby Jesus, as well as sculptures of various saints and angels.

The architecture of the Cathedral is a testament to the Gothic style, characterized by its pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses. The use of these architectural features allowed for the creation of large, open interior spaces and a sense of weightlessness that gives the Cathedral an otherworldly quality.

Perhaps the most striking feature of the Cologne Cathedral’s exterior is its stained glass windows. The Cathedral boasts some of the largest and most intricate stained glass windows in the world. The South Transept Window, for example, depicts scenes from the life of Christ and is over 100 feet tall. The intricate details and vibrant colors of the stained glass make for a truly breathtaking sight.

Overall, the exterior of the Cologne Cathedral is a marvel of human ingenuity and creativity. The attention to detail and skill required to create such a structure is truly awe-inspiring, and it is no wonder that it remains one of the most visited tourist attractions in Germany.


The interior of the Cologne Cathedral is equally as impressive as its exterior. As one enters the Cathedral, they are immediately struck by the grandeur of the nave, which is over 140 feet tall and 140 feet wide. The Gothic architecture of the Cathedral is on full display, with pointed arches and ribbed vaults creating a sense of space and grandeur.

One of the most striking features of the interior of the Cathedral is the choir. The choir is located at the eastern end of the nave and is adorned with beautiful stained glass windows. The intricate carvings on the choir stalls and the high altar are particularly noteworthy, showcasing the skill of the craftsmen who worked on them.

The Cathedral is home to many important works of art and artifacts, including the Shrine of the Three Kings. The Shrine is a gilded sarcophagus said to contain the remains of the Magi who visited the baby Jesus. It is one of the most important relics in Christendom and has been an object of pilgrimage for centuries.

Another notable work of art in the Cathedral is the Crucifix of Bishop Gero. The crucifix dates back to the 10th century and is one of the oldest known crucifixes in the world. Its intricate details and the way in which it captures the suffering of Christ make it a truly remarkable work of art.

The interior of the Cologne Cathedral is a feast for the senses, with its grandeur, beauty, and historical significance. It is a testament to the skill and dedication of the craftsmen who worked on it over the centuries and remains a beacon of faith and culture in Germany and beyond.

Cultural significance

The Cologne Cathedral holds immense cultural significance, not just for the city of Cologne, but for Germany and Europe as a whole. It has played an important role in German history, religion, and culture.

Historically, the Cathedral has been a symbol of German national identity. During the 19th century, when Germany was still a collection of separate states, the Cologne Cathedral became a symbol of a united Germany. The Cathedral was seen as a symbol of German identity and culture, and it played an important role in the formation of a German national identity.

Religiously, the Cathedral remains an important pilgrimage site. The Shrine of the Three Kings, in particular, continues to draw pilgrims from around the world. The Cathedral is also an important site for Catholicism in Germany, serving as the seat of the Archbishop of Cologne and as a center for Catholic worship and activity in the region.

Today, the Cathedral remains an important cultural attraction and symbol of Germany’s rich history and cultural heritage. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and attracts millions of visitors each year. The Cathedral’s architectural and artistic significance is recognized around the world, and it continues to inspire and awe visitors with its grandeur and beauty.

In conclusion, the Cologne Cathedral’s cultural significance extends far beyond just its religious importance. It is an important symbol of German identity and culture, and it continues to attract visitors from all over the world with its architectural and artistic wonders. The Cathedral is a true testament to the skill and dedication of the craftsmen who worked on it over the centuries, and it remains one of the most awe-inspiring and magnificent sights in all of Germany.


In conclusion, the Cologne Cathedral is a true marvel of human achievement. Its stunning Gothic architecture, intricate carvings, and beautiful stained glass windows make it one of the most impressive religious buildings in the world. The Cathedral’s cultural significance extends far beyond its religious importance and serves as a symbol of German national identity and cultural heritage. It remains an important pilgrimage site and an awe-inspiring cultural attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year from all over the world. The Cologne Cathedral is a true testament to the skill and dedication of the craftsmen who worked on it over the centuries, and it is a treasure that will continue to inspire and awe visitors for generations to come.

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Top 5 Historically Preserved Places In Germany Thu, 23 Mar 2023 16:15:10 +0000 Germany is known to be a place rich in history. This history has not been preserved for decades but for centuries. This country is one of the top countries in the world where you will find castles and emblems you thought to have only existed in pictures and history books. That is one of the […]

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Germany is known to be a place rich in history. This history has not been preserved for decades but for centuries. This country is one of the top countries in the world where you will find castles and emblems you thought to have only existed in pictures and history books. That is one of the major reasons why Germany remains a top option for tourists who are really into history.

If you are also interested in learning about the world’s history by visiting some countries and seeing historically preserved places as old as time, then you should visit Germany. Here are some of the places you should feast your eyes upon when you do that.

1.  Trier

Starting with the oldest city in Germany, Trier is a charming city founded way back in 16 BC during the reign of Roman Emperor Augustus and has maintained that charm till today. Trier houses some of the most important treasures in Roman history. This includes the Porta Nigra, which is the best-preserved city gate in Roman history, the Amphitheatre, the oldest church in Germany, which is St. Peter’s Cathedral and even the famous imperial Baths. 

2.  Rakotzbrucke

Also known as the Devil’s bridge, the Rakotzbrucke looks and feels like something that can only be found in one’s imagination or fairytales. Yet, it feels so surreal that this bridge exists and is entirely manmade as it was built by human hands. History shows that the bridge was built between 1075 and 1200 AD. The second one was built in 1753, and some adjustments were made in later years.

Devil’s bridges get that name due to how spectacular they look, as people cannot seem to wrap their heads around how they could build such bridges without the devil’s help. This legend common in Germany goes that the devil builds such bridges in exchange for the soul of the first person crossing it. However, this bridge still gets that name, although it was entirely manmade, as it is just ethereal.

3.  Schweriner Schloss

This is another equally impressive sight in Germany, as it looks just as unreal as the Rakotzbrucke. Schweriner is the kind of castle you believe you can only see in princess fairytale movies because of how wonderful it is. It is just wild to know that something as astonishing as that exists in Germany.

This castle used to be the Grand duke of Mecklenburg’s residence until about a century ago. However, it has remained the center of power in Mecklenburg as it is now the parliament seat. This astonishing castle, surrounded by numerous lakes and forests, was built by Duke Friedrich Franz II sometime between 1847 and 1857, and it is a beautiful depiction of German Baroque architecture.

4.  Kloster Maulbronn

Founded in 1147, the Maulbronn monastery is one of Europe’s best-preserved monasteries. It is also regarded as the most complete monastery complex of medieval times. This monastery with heavily fortified walls is clearly separated from the town as it lies on the outskirts. However, it is a beautiful depiction of first-generation Cistercian architecture. To date, the water-management system at this monastery remains the most extensive and best-preserved Cistercian water system, despite the several changes encountered, which include the drainage of numerous reservoirs and the expansion of the Maulbronn town.

The impressive architecture of this monastery is one to bask in, along with the beautiful stoneworks and decorations that can be found here. In addition, there is a massive library here which book lovers will certainly love.

5.  Welterbe Zollverein

Built centuries ago in 1847, Zollverein coal mine industrial complex remains one of the most impressive ones when looking at the industrial world today. From 1851 to 1986, over two hundred and forty million tonnes of hard coal was mined in Zollverein. In 2001, the coal mine and coking plant became inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage list and has since been regarded as one of the most important cultural assets in the world. It clearly depicts how nature and culture have reclaimed the former industrial complex.

It is also proof of Europe’s industrial heritage as it used to be not just the biggest coal mine in Germany but the entire continent of Europe.

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Going on A Tour in Germany? Here Are 10 Things You Should Not Miss Out On Thu, 23 Mar 2023 14:18:17 +0000 We can all agree that Germany is one of the greatest tourist destinations in the world. The number of tourists coming into this country annually is a confirmation, and it is all for good reasons. You can get everything in Germany, regardless of what you or your tourist group is looking for. This country is […]

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We can all agree that Germany is one of the greatest tourist destinations in the world. The number of tourists coming into this country annually is a confirmation, and it is all for good reasons. You can get everything in Germany, regardless of what you or your tourist group is looking for. This country is where you will find history dating back to centuries, great food, music, beautiful scenery, and many more. The best part is how easy it is to access these wonders in Germany as a tourist with the existence of travel leisure companies like TUI that take it upon themselves to ensure that you have a splendid time.

Going on a tour of this country is a splendid idea as there are just countless things to try out. However, here are the top options that you must not miss out on when you visit this country:

1.  Cologne: Winter Cruise

Boat cruises are so much fun, especially when you go on them with friends or people ready to live life and have fun. But even if you believe that you have gone on the best cruises around the world, we can guarantee that you’ve not gotten the full experience if you have never been on Cologne’s winter boat cruise. There is nothing that beats the relaxing experience of a romantic and festive cruise in the winter, accompanied by great wine and music while you feast your eyes on the beautiful landmarks and scenery on the Rhine River.

2.  Explore The Cities

There are many historic cities in Germany, many of which you have certainly heard about, and you should definitely visit them. As tourists exploring these cities, you also don’t have to worry about where to spend your nights as holiday homes like Danchester can provide comfortable places where you will feel at home.

Starting your exploration, Berlin is a place you should visit as it is not only the largest city in Germany but is also the capital. It is the most visited city in the country as it has tons of tourist attractions, including over 400 galleries, over 100 art museums and tens of beautiful parks. Other great options popular among tourists include Nuremberg, Munich and Hamburg. More travel promo codes can give you access to different travel essentials at discounted rates when travelling around these cities.

3.  Take A Walk Along The Berlin Wall

If you are visiting Berlin, then you should certainly be interested in learning about the history of this city, and there is no better place to start than visiting the Berlin Wall. If you feel fit enough to walk, each walk is about 7-21 km long. If not, biking or public transportation are options you should try out. However, you should definitely visit the Wall as it shows the history, culture and charms of the city in an absolutely fascinating manner.

4.  Visit The German Christmas Markets

If there is one thing Germans have loved from the start of time, then the festive spirit comes with Christmas and the new year. Only in places like Germany will you find markets for Christmas, absolutely gorgeous ones at that. Fun fact: The cutting of Christmas trees also started with the Germans.  If you have always believed yourself not to be a festive person, it is almost certain that you will change your mind by spending just this festive season among the Germans.

Some of Germany’s most popular Christmas markets include Cologne’s Cathedral Christmas Market, Nuremberg Christkindlesmarkt and Munich Christmas Market.

5.  Go To An Opera House

If you know anything about Germans and their impeccable taste in music, then you know that their love for opera is one of a kind, and that shows clearly in the state of the opera houses in this country. Germany has over 80 opera houses, and that is quite a lot. Some of the most famous ones include the Margravial Opera House, Theater des Westens and National Theatre Munich.

This country also boasts of numerous classical composers known worldwide, including the famous Ludwig Van Beethoven and George Frideric Handel. The opera tradition in this part of the world is just very rich and it must not be heard that you are visiting Germany without enjoying classical music like the Germans do.

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Germany’s most expensive hotels Thu, 28 Apr 2022 12:08:39 +0000 Germany is home to some of the most luxurious and expensive hotels in the world. If you’re looking for a truly indulgent and opulent experience, then these hotels are definitely worth checking out. From 5-star properties situated in prime locations to palatial mansions with all the trimmings, here are some of the most expensive hotels […]

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Germany is home to some of the most luxurious and expensive hotels in the world. If you’re looking for a truly indulgent and opulent experience, then these hotels are definitely worth checking out. From 5-star properties situated in prime locations to palatial mansions with all the trimmings, here are some of the most expensive hotels in Germany.

The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin

The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin is one of the most luxurious hotels in the city. Situated near some of Berlin’s most popular attractions, including the Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag, this 5-star property offers guests an unforgettable experience. The rooms and suites are some of the most spacious in the city and come complete with marble bathrooms, flat-screen TVs, and complimentary Wi-Fi. Guests can also enjoy access to the hotel’s fitness center, sauna, and steam room. The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin is also home to one of the city’s most prestigious restaurants, Facil. If you’re interested in the theme of gambling, then we recommend you try out Tome of Madness slot.

The Bayerischer Hof, Munich

The Bayerischer Hof is one of Munich’s most iconic and luxurious hotels. Situated in the heart of the city, this 5-star property offers guests a truly unique experience. The rooms and suites are all individually decorated and come with an array of modern amenities, including flat-screen TVs, complimentary Wi-Fi, and marble bathrooms. The Bayerischer Hof also has an on-site spa with a range of treatments on offer. Guests can also enjoy Michelin-starred dining at the hotel’s restaurant, Fischers Fritz.

The Grand Hotel Heiligendamm, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

The Grand Hotel Heiligendamm is a stunning 5-star property situated on the Baltic Sea Coast. This luxurious hotel has a long history and was once a popular summer retreat for European nobility. Today, the Grand Hotel Heiligendamm offers its guests the same level of luxury and sophistication. The rooms and suites are all elegantly furnished and come with an array of modern amenities. The hotel also has an on-site spa with a range of treatments on offer. Guests can also enjoy Michelin-starred dining at the hotel’s restaurant, La Belle Epoque.

The InterContinental Berlin

The InterContinental Berlin is one of the city’s most luxurious hotels. Situated near some of Berlin’s most popular attractions, including the Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag, this 5-star property offers guests an unforgettable experience. The rooms and suites are all elegantly furnished and come with an array of modern amenities, including flat-screen TVs, complimentary Wi-Fi, and marble bathrooms. The InterContinental Berlin also has an on-site spa with a range of treatments on offer. Guests can also enjoy Michelin-starred dining at the hotel’s restaurant, The Grill.

The Atlantis by Giardino, Zurich

The Atlantis by Giardino is one of Zurich’s most luxurious hotels. Situated on the banks of Lake Zurich, this 5-star property offers guests stunning views of the city and the Alps. The rooms and suites are all elegantly furnished and come with an array of modern amenities, including flat-screen TVs, complimentary Wi-Fi, and marble bathrooms. The Atlantis by Giardino also has an on-site spa with a range of treatments on offer. Guests can also enjoy Michelin-starred dining at the hotel’s restaurant, La Prairie.

The Kempinski Hotel Frankfurt Gravenbruch

The Kempinski Hotel Frankfurt Gravenbruch is one of Frankfurt’s most luxurious hotels. Situated in a beautiful parkland setting, this 5-star property offers guests a truly tranquil experience. The rooms and suites are all elegantly furnished and come with an array of modern amenities, including flat-screen TVs, complimentary Wi-Fi, and marble bathrooms. The Kempinski Hotel Frankfurt Gravenbruch also has an on-site spa with a range of treatments on offer. Guests can also enjoy Michelin-starred dining at the hotel’s restaurant, The Restaurant.

The Breidenbacher Hof, Dusseldorf

The Breidenbacher Hof is one of Dusseldorf’s most luxurious hotels. Situated in the heart of the city, this 5-star property offers guests a truly unique experience. The rooms and suites are all elegantly furnished and come with an array of modern amenities, including flat-screen TVs, complimentary Wi-Fi, and marble bathrooms. The Breidenbacher Hof also has an on-site spa with a range of treatments on offer. Guests can also enjoy Michelin-starred dining at the hotel’s restaurant, The Restaurant.


If you’re looking for a luxurious and unforgettable hotel experience, then one of these five-star hotels in Germany is sure to cater to your needs. From Michelin-starred dining to on-site spas, these properties offer the best of the best.

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Germany and its beautiful places Tue, 15 Mar 2022 11:20:00 +0000 For a relaxed holiday or an exciting adventure, you don’t always have to go abroad. The fact is that there is a wide variety of places that are just waiting to be discovered in Germany. This article is intended to give you a brief insight into various German sights. Based on this, it should be […]

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For a relaxed holiday or an exciting adventure, you don’t always have to go abroad. The fact is that there is a wide variety of places that are just waiting to be discovered in Germany.

This article is intended to give you a brief insight into various German sights. Based on this, it should be easier to organize your next hotel stay so that some of these breathtaking locations can be explored.

Neuschwanstein Castle – an idyll to fall in love with

Even those who live outside of the country should sit up and take notice. This castle is one of the most famous sights in Germany.

Matching the idyllic appearance of the surroundings, Neuschwanstein Castle nestles into the associated scenery, it literally say you to fall in love with the architecture of the castle and to gain unforgettable experiences!

With regard to the location within Bavaria near the Alps, it is advisable to look for a suitable hotel in the vicinity. You should also make sure that you purchase your ticket in advance via the online ticket office. Due to the limited entry, there is otherwise a risk that no more visitors will be admitted on the desired day.

Marienplatz Munich – the center of Munich

Right in the center of Munich, you are invited to the German fairy tail. In addition to the hustle and bustle of the pedestrian zone the New Town Hall also awaits you there , it not least knows how to impress with its architectural diversity.

If you would like to include shopping as a part of your excursion, then Marienplatz should be a good starting point. Various shops are located there.

Coupled with the various events that are often staged at Marienplatz, this German attraction proves to be ideal for anyone wanting a magical-looking hustle and bustle in the middle of one of Germany’s largest cities.

And what would be nicer to put this into practice together with an adjacent hotel? With the Mandarin Oriental Munich, a contact point can be named, which will enable you to take a close look at Munich and all the associated sights.

Dresdner Frauenkirche – the center of Dresden

Since 2005 one of the most beautiful buildings in Germany can be found in Dresden. The Dresden Frauenkirche was destroyed during the Second World War and remained in ruins during the GDR era.

Restoration work only began in 1994 in order to bring the building back to the splendor, which once prevailed.

By the way: the reconstruction took place in such a way that all the remaining building blocks of the remaining ruins could be used again in the reconstruction. Consequently, real history can be experienced through the Dresden Frauenkirche, which not least contributes to the fact that this building really knows how to serve as a sight in Germany.

Interested people travel from all over Germany to see this masterpiece up close; suitable hotels within Dresden are also required for this reason. The Hyperion Hotel Dresden Am Schloss is suitably placed in the old town area and offers various services that make the stay a pleasant and relaxing experience.

If you are interested in taking a closer look at Dresden including Dresden Frauenkirche – this hotel should turn out to be a suitable starting point for you.

Brandenburg Gate – the most popular attraction in Berlin

Basically, not much needs to be said about this German attraction. After all, it is almost certainly known to almost everyone.

Brandenburg Gate provides a glimpse into Germany’s past and should probably give contemporary witnesses, in particular, the incredible sense that there is no longer such division in the country today.

Given the great diversity of Berlin, it makes sense to make a multi-day trip to the capital, which can be done, among other things, with the luxurious Sofitel Berlin Kurfürstendamm hotel. In addition to a great location, this hotel offers top-notch service – there is hardly a better base to start your Berlin adventure from here!

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One of the Most Famous Hotel Stocks – Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. Tue, 15 Mar 2022 11:12:48 +0000 While the entire travel industry took a heavy hit in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, some people also experienced rapid growth in the ensuing times of easing. This pattern can be observed in Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. stock, among others. The US company is one of the largest hotel chains in the world. Since […]

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While the entire travel industry took a heavy hit in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, some people also experienced rapid growth in the ensuing times of easing.

This pattern can be observed in Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. stock, among others. The US company is one of the largest hotel chains in the world. Since the low in March/April 2020, the company’s shares have made up more than 190% in price increases to date – a real share success story!

The goal of this article is to give you a rough idea of ​​how you can take the first steps towards buying your first Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. share.

So it turns out that although many still shy away from the supposed effort, nowadays it has never been easier to participate in the international market.

The way to the first stock of Hilton Worldwide Holdings

In order to get a share of Hilton Worldwide Holdings, the first thing you need to do is to choose a suitable broker. The broker is an intermediary between stock buyers and the stock market.

By contacting the broker and letting him know that you want to buy a certain stock, the broker will take care of all further steps. In many cases, the broker also pays a service fee for this. Nowadays, however, there are already various brokers that offer such small fee structures that this point should not pose a major obstacle for most prospective investors.

The selection of brokers is relatively large, that’s why a quick overview seems difficult, especially for beginners. is a comparison website that lists various reputable brokers and in its turn presents the most important key factors for choosing brokers. It should be emphasized once again that trading is not possible on this website. It is just a comparison portal – similar to comparison portals for hotels and other services.

Only after choosing a broker and registering on this website you can buy  a Hilton Worldwide Holdings share.

For a concrete insight into what a respective broker has to show for key factors, Etoro can be used, for example, to identify which software this broker can be controlled with or what deposit options are offered.

Also the offer of different markets is important too. For example, Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. is listed on the NYSE, which is the New York Stock Exchange. This means that the broker you choose should offer NYSE access to get you the hotel stock you want.

More detailed information about Naga can also be found on the same broker comparison website. This broker also offers various services. With Naga, for example, it can be seen that no demo account is needed.

A demo account is a trading account with free demo money. With such an account, beginners can take their first steps in the market environment and familiarize themselves with the operation of the broker. Because of this, demo accounts are a welcome additional service that help to get a better picture without having to make a deposit with your own money.

Keep calm and don’t panic

The selection seems huge, especially at first glance. But it is also clear that on the basis of reasonable comparison portals, the wheat can be separated from the chaff, leaving the largest and most serious brokers. On the basis of this, the various key factors can then be skimmed over.

In this first rough search, choose a few favorite ones, and then take a closer look at them and compare them. This makes choosing a broker easier than you might initially think. And the purchase of the long-awaited shares of Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. doesn’t seem too far away either.

And as everywhere, the same applies here: as soon as you have dealt with this topic for a few minutes and know roughly what you want to pay attention to and what is important, the entire undertaking will become much easier – you only have to dare to take the initial step!

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Iglu-Dorf Zugspitze Fri, 19 Feb 2021 14:46:09 +0000 Spend a uniquely romantic night in a mountain top hotel made of snow in Germany Pleased to welcome romantics and lovers of first tracks from the mountaintops in fresh snow on the pages of Unusual Hotels. The most amazing hotel in the world is built every year in Germany on top of the mountains. Andrian […]

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Spend a uniquely romantic night in a mountain top hotel made of snow in Germany

Pleased to welcome romantics and lovers of first tracks from the mountaintops in fresh snow on the pages of Unusual Hotels. The most amazing hotel in the world is built every year in Germany on top of the mountains.

Andrian Gunter is an avid snowboarder. He dreamed of being the first to blaze a trail in the fresh snow that fell at night. But it always took a long time in the morning to climb up the slope and he was constantly outrun. So he built an igloo at the top and went down in the morning with the sunrise, paving the trail over the untouched cover.

Now he and Sarah hire workers together, and each year they build snow villages on seven different mountains. One of them is the Iglu-Dorf Zugspitze, a seasonal hotel that can accommodate 12 people at a time.

This is what the igloo-hotel looks like from the outside. If all the snow that goes to create the hotel is brought in wagons, the train will be two kilometers long. After all, an entire village is created in the thickness of the snow, and all the rooms are connected to each other. Builders work 2 weeks around the clock, for 3 shifts, in order to have time to open early. The smallest igloo is 4×4 meters, and the largest is 12×12.

Half of the rooms are shared, for downhill boarders. Some of them are designed for couples on a romantic vacation. Some have a separate toilet and even a Jacuzzi. Often the igloo-village is rented for corporate parties and whole companies come.


The landscape of Mount Zugspitze is unique. In front of the hotel, you can sunbathe and simultaneously see the territory of three countries: Switzerland, Austria and Germany from a height of 2,900 meters.

In Iglu-Dorf Zugspitze and other snow hotels skiers are given warm sleeping bags, which are designed for sleeping at 40 degrees of frost. Inside the snow drifts the temperature stays close to zero. That’s why many people say it was hot in the morning.

The large room is designed to hold 12 people at a time. After the workers have erected the walls and ceiling, artists and sculptors come and decorate the room of the snow hotel from the inside.

In the morning you can have breakfast inside the Iglu-Dorf Zugspitze, and in the evening you will be served dinner. In the afternoon, visitors are offered a snowshoe walk. Shoes, clothing and equipment are given away at the hotel. You can also warm up with coffee and other drinks. The snow absorbs all sounds, so it is surprisingly quiet inside. You can even hear the blood flowing through your veins.

Newlyweds constantly come to Iglu-Dorf Zugspitze and other villages with their guests immediately after the celebration and continue to celebrate their wedding in the hotel.

In such cases, the entire hotel is booked for a specific time. For the guests, the bedrooms are designed for 4-6 people. And in the morning, the girls admire from above, as the brave guys make a fresh track.

Every year, artists compete to create the most beautiful sculptures and patterns. In the cafe, all visitors can dine at the same time. Wooden tables and stumps, LED lights amidst the white silence.

At first the igloo was built by stacking blocks. But that’s long and hard. Now the balloon is inflated and filled with snow. After the ice becomes dense, the air is released. The semi-circular construction distributes the loads on the walls and the bottom. In the spring, we tested the strength of the vault by driving two snow tractors from above. The structure held, there were not even any cracks. Tried digging up the walls on one side. The soft-looking snow turned out to be a strong building material.

Amenities are also created for skiers who are just passing through. At dawn, the sun dyes the snow pink and the picture of nature from the mountain fascinates all who see it.

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IntercityHotel Mainz Fri, 19 Feb 2021 14:43:10 +0000 Conveniently located in Oberstadt, IntercityHotel Mainz is the ideal starting point for excursions to Mainz. Located only 0.5 km from the most popular attractions, this 4-star hotel enjoys an excellent location and provides access to the largest attractions of the city. A paradise where guests will find everything to relax after seeing the sights nearby, […]

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Conveniently located in Oberstadt, IntercityHotel Mainz is the ideal starting point for excursions to Mainz. Located only 0.5 km from the most popular attractions, this 4-star hotel enjoys an excellent location and provides access to the largest attractions of the city. A paradise where guests will find everything to relax after seeing the sights nearby, such as Mainzer Unterwelten, Fastnachtsbrunnen, Temple of Isis & Mater Magna| Mainz.

At IntercityHotel Mainz, great service and excellent facilities help make your stay unforgettable. Free Wi-Fi in rooms, 24/7 check-in, facilities for disabled guests, luggage storage, Wi-Fi on the premises are just a few of the facilities that set IntercityHotel Mainz apart from other hotels in the city.

All rooms are equipped with amenities to ensure maximum comfort. In addition to the wide range of recreational facilities offered at the hotel, you’ll be left with plenty of opportunities to entertain yourself without leaving the hotel. IntercityHotel Mainz is ideal for those looking for an unusual, comfortable hotel with a convenient location in Mainz.

The possibility of extra beds depends on the selected room type, for more information see the information about the capacity of the specific room type.

For reservations of more than 5 rooms, a different policy than the standard one may apply and additions may be possible.

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